Hedging Trade Copier


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This software is a trade copier that permits to automatically place operatives in a set of destination instruments when an operative is made from a source. The destination can be in the same or a different account. The objective is to hedge your operatives against market adversity and reduce their risk, while earning less in a positive outcome. This permits to protect from large drawdowns and ruin. Can be done with single instrument or with multiple instruments.

With multiple instruments some advanced hedging strategies like delta or beta neutral hedging can be launched automatically. Please read the article to learn more. This also permits to construct hedging strategies with other instruments when options are not available. For instance in some financed accounts with limited number of instruments, instruments that don’t have corresponding derivative option or for users that operate with Forex brokers.

Permits multiple tabs and multiple windows, therefore it can operate with multiple sources. It also supports replication of ATMs (Stop + Take Profit).

The destination lot size, stop and target are calculated according to a floating point number multiplier allowing to automatically size and adapt to your initial operative simplifying the hedging strategy execution. Operatives can be reversed from long to short and from short to long in destination instruments.

Permits to save and load prepared setups in simple to read and modify text files.

It can work with any instrument including, Forex, Futures, Cryptocurrencies, Options and Stocks.

In the following video you can see it in action with simple demo in spanish (Youtube translation can be used for english):

Notice: This product is only compatible with NinjaTrader 8 and its software and hardware requirements are the same as the platform. Licenses are activated the next business day.