News / Noticias
Related to the service/products we provide. Relacionado con los servicios/productos que ofertamos.
3 / 10
Feedback / Retroalimentación
If you want to propose/discuse something about the services/products we offer please open a thread here.
Si quiere proponer o discutir algo sobre los servicios/productos que ofertamos abra un hilo aquií.
12 / 15
28 / 41
21 / 61
Discussion about futures and futures strategies
3 / 5
Discussion about forex exchange
36 / 49
10 / 18
News and events
Post here whetever trading news you could know that could be of interest to other traders.
7 / 7
5 / 11
7 / 9
NinjaTrader 7 Indicators / Indicadores NinjaTrader 7
Indicators for NinjaTrader 7. Please check for virus and don't post cracked software or anything that violates DMCA. We perform check ourselves.
Indicadores para NinjaTrader 7. Por favor chequee contra virus y no publique software crackeado o algo que viole el DMCA. Esta seccion la revisamos nosotros tambien.
15 / 59
NinjaTrader 8 Indicators / Indicadores NinjaTrader 8
Indicators for NinjaTrader 8. Please check for virus and don't post cracked software or anything that violates DMCA. We perform check ourselves.
Indicadores para NinjaTrader 8. Por favor chequee contra virus y no publique software crackeado o algo que viole el DMCA. Esta seccion la revisamos nosotros tambien.
74 / 695
Indicators other platforms / Indicadores para otras plataformas
Section to post indicators for other platforms different to Ninjatrader. We review this for virus and violations of the DMCA. Cracked software is strictly prohibited. / Sección para publicar indicadores para otras plataformas que no son Ninjatrader. Esta sección es verificada contra virus y violaciones del DMCA.
1 / 5
R and RStudio
Discussion about R programming language and help with RStudio. / Discusión sobre programación en lenguaje R y ayuda con RStudio.
3 / 4
NinjaTrader programming questions and tutorials.
3 / 3
Matlab questions and help related to trading analysis
1 / 1
Metatrader programming questions and tutorials.
0 / 0
5 / 5
1 / 1
Discussion about robots and robotic algorithms.
1 / 4
1 / 5
0 / 0
Discusion about anything about AI not classifying in the rest of the forums.
19 / 19
Metatrader 5
Help with Metatrader 5. Usage instructions and tricks.
0 / 0
Discussion and help about SierraChart all versions in general
1 / 4
Metatrader 4
Help with Metatrader 4. Usage instructions and tricks.
0 / 0
NinjaTrader 7
Help with Ninjatrader 7. Usage instructions and tricks. Post your tutorials and questions here.
0 / 0
NinjaTrader 8
Help with Ninjatrader 8. Usage instructions and tricks.
22 / 188
StaffInternal discussion of team members / employees
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