(04-22-2017, 06:51 AM)TRADER2 escribió: [ -> ]agradable RSI
gracias a SIM 22
Hi please can you share what is the advantage of this gradiente RSI compared to traditional RSI.
How is it supposed to be used diferently form default RSI?
I think that color gradient show us in better way the divergences between price and oscillator. Because the color is becoming intensive when there is a divergence.
I guess its not regular RSI... just check name of that script, theres RSICCI, so probably its a script which use something from both indis...
and use is normal I guess, overbought/oversold, divergences, cross over 50, plus not sure but that line is some moving average maybe

hello i would like download but i cant , how i can download the indicator ?
Try to download with firefox